When most people think of traditional Chinese forms of medical
treatment, acupuncture comes to mind first and foremost. Acupressure
massage is another form, however, that is very similar to acupuncture
and can also help in relieving pain and discomfort. Acupressure is
especially good for people who fear or are otherwise skeptical of
sticking needles into their bodies. Related to massage, you should
explore acupressure as a treatment option. Although it is still not
considered valid by many traditional medical doctors, studies are
beginning to be done, and these show that the technique is very
An acupressure session will start much in the same way that an
acupuncture session begins. The professional, who should be certified in
traditional Chinese medicine will assess your health situation and
determine the cause of your problem. The root of all medical pain and
suffering is poorly flowing energy in the body. An acupuncturist and an
acupressurist stimulate points on the body to help correct this energy
flow. These points are, in many cases, not at the place of your pain,
but instead found throughout the body.
A common kind of acupressure massage used is called cupping, although
many other forms are also popular. In this technique, the professional
uses fire and small cups to create suction to the body at specific
points. This treatment has been used not only in ancient China, but also
in other ancient civilizations, such as Greece. Today, practitioners as
well as those who have been helped by acupressure are seeking to help
it become better known and to have people take the technique more
Acupressurists are usually acupuncturists who have learned acupressure
skills as well. Always visit an established business for these needs,
and be sure that your acupressurist is certified. The office should be
clean and be sure that his or her tools are sterile before treatment.
Your regular doctor should be able to direct you to an established
acupressurist in the area, or you can call the Better Business Bureau to
find out more about local TCM businesses. Your regular doctor can also
tell you more about how acupressure massage can be used not alone, but
rather in conjunction with traditional medical treatment like exercise
and medication. This is the best course of action and most effective.
Don't discount nontraditional forms of treatment, like acupressure, when
planning with your doctor-these could end up being most effective for