
Yoko Kumada (Japan)

Hot models, Yoko Kumada stands five feet, four inches tall and has a medium-built frame, but she still stands out whenever she’s in the crowd because of her flawless skin and eye-pleasing beauty.

Kim Lee (America)

Speed is one thing but speed-dating is another discipline. While Kim Lee may not believe in that kind of dating, she did star in a movie of the same name. When she’s not modeling, she could be seen in many other movies and TV shows.

Melyssa Grace (America)

She has this unique look because of her perfect blend of Filipino and German beauty. Since she was a child, Melyssa Grace always dreamed of modeling. She’s not afraid to show off her nice assets and with her stunning poise and emotive facial expression she’s paving her way to stardom.


Jessica Gomes (Australia)

Sonia Couling (Thailand)

Good Photos Are Important

When you're first starting out (and from that point on!), good photography is important. It baffles me to see what some models use to market themselves. Just a quick scan of many of the portfolios on modeling sites, such as OneModelPlace, will reveal an abundance of poorly lit, poorly exposed, uncropped, out-of-focus, and badly composed photos. Photos that would look bad in a photo album, let alone a model's portfolio!
If you were an agent or a model scout looking for talent, who would you pick, the aspiring model with mediocre photos or the model whose images really catch your eye? Putting "snapshots" online does not make you a model. Be critical. Get good photos. Avoid representing yourself with photos that do not accurately reflect your potential and level of expertise.


Modelling Tips For You

The market determines what models are needed. These needs tend to cluster into market segments and allow us to look at types of models. It is important to understand the type of model you want to be. By understanding the type of modeling you are interested in you can learn what the requirements are and if you can meet them. This also helps in avoiding getting ripped off (more about this on the scam page). I have seen the greatest number of rip-offs and bad business decision happen when a wannabe model is thinking of one type of modeling (usually high fashion) and a scout, agent, photographer, etc. is recruiting for another (life style, Playboy glamour). So it is very important you understand what type of modeling you are interested in. 

Become a Model and Get Paid to Model

Imagine having an exciting high-paying job as a professional model. Imagine walking down a runway at a designer fashion show, or having your photo taken for Vogue or your favorite magazine.


What is Model?

A model (from Middle French modèle), sometimes called a mannequin, is a person who is employed for the purpose of displaying and promoting fashion clothing or other products and for advertising or promotional purposes or who poses for works of art.
Modelling ("modelling" with a doubled "l" is British spelling, vs "modeling" single "l" American spelling) is distinguished from other types of public performance, such as an acting, dancing or mime artist, although the boundary is not well defined. Appearing in a movie or a play is not considered modelling.